Pause at noon every day to join the transmission.
One minute a day ... what could be easier?
The one requirement for membership in the Noon Club is to set your smart phone for noon every day. Pause, center, and silently declare something. I say: "Something wonderful is happening. This is the moment. I am creating the future with ..." And I fill in the quality I want to express. Confidence. Love, compassion, optimism, etc. You choose yours.
Then, Love Casting. Focus for another minute, allowing people to show up in your awareness. Friends, family, world leaders. As they float in and out, bless them with appreciation .
Feature of the Month
Breathing is our first transmission.
Dr. John Douillard offers inspiratory muscle training on this video.
As a member, you will receive a morning and evening
audio meditation via email.
Our best resistance to a respiratory epidemic.
15 minutes twice a day.
Studies document the effectiveness of this process for all breathing challenges.
The Opportunity
Parasites die when they are starved and excreted.
The ruling elite feast on fear and money. We can starve them in two ways:
1. Replace fear with gratitude.
2. Exchange freely, using as little money as possible.
The Virus of Generosity
Spread it.
Generosity is infectious. Every no-strings-attached action inspires another.
We can make this a normal feature
of our relationships.
It is natural to care for each other.
The Gift Exchange System
A new economic system. Details here.
Our history with money has been revised.
We didn't start with cumbersome exchanges that became more efficient when money was invented. We started with community generosity, mutual obligation based in trust.
We are exchanging now and always ...
through the "innernet"
Love is the true currency but we are only wealthy when we share.
© 2018